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3 Most Common Dental Problems You Need To Get Checked Today

If you are not cautious about your oral health, then it is very likely that you will face certain problems that will cause you a lot of trouble. If not taken proper care you are risking a lifelong problem which might cease your frolic smile. If you are suffering from any of the problems listed below you need to get it checked by the best dentist in Kolkata offering effective treatment at the best rates.


A most commonly occurred problem, you might already have a doctor's appointment set for this, but if you are suffering intensively then meanwhile you can rinse your mouth with warm water. You can also clean your teeth to bring out any excess food or you can pop in a pain reliever. A severe case can extend its symptoms to instances where you will notice swelling or pus accumulation, which can indicate a dental abscess, which is a more serious problem. Get in touch with your orthodontist today and get it checked.  

Stained teeth 

A lot of your bad habits like smoking, alcohol consumption caters to the discoloring of your teeth. Your teeth is like your laundry, if you use the right stain removers it will work, but you can't get it right and use something that will wear of the enamel coating, then it is a problem. You can bleach your teeth at home with a plastic tray and stain removal gel prescribed from your dentist. 

Chipped tooth

If you suffered from an accident that caused your tooth to chip, then we recommend you get a crown that will cover up the ridge and make it look evenly aligned and beautiful. If your tooth pulp is at risk then there runs a risk of you undergoing a root canal. 

If you want the best treatment for your teeth, you need to get in touch with the best dental clinic in Kolkata where you will have a solid background check and will be treated accordingly for the best results. 


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