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6 Useful Tips To Care For Your Dental Implants

 Got dental implants fitted in your mouth recently? Well, this is a great step to attain a confident smile and boost your self-esteem. But you should practice taking proper care of your implants at the same time to get their full benefits. Make an appointment with a highly qualified and experienced dentist to go through well-executed dental implant treatment at affordable costs.

Choose a nylon toothbrush with soft bristles

If you’ve got implants fixed, it’s essential to change your toothbrush and opt for a nylon one with a gentle touch for brushing. Make sure not to use toothbrushes comprising of hard bristles as these can cause scratches on your implant’s surface. In fact, you should refrain from using any metal equipment for cleaning your mouth after you’ve got dental implants placed. Just keep up with daily brushing and flossing on a regular basis for oral hygiene.

Stay away from harsh dental products

Be it your toothbrush or mouthwash, select sensitive cleaning agents after you’ve got implants fitted and totally avoid abrasive ones as the latter can produce immense discomfort. Remember to prevent the intake of flavored oral hygiene bites like mint as these can create an uncomfortable sensation in your mouth.

Floss religiously

Have implants attached? Then, it’s time to make flossing a daily habit to prevent accumulation of plaque around your implants and causing oral hygiene problems. You can get hold of flosses that are designed particularly for those having dental implants to experience greater convenience.

Avoid hard and sticky food

Do be careful not to eat excessively hard or sticky food as these can damage your implants. Carrots, dried fruits, apple, caramel, chewy candies, steak, French bread, etc. are some of the food items you should avoid to keep your implants in healthy condition.

Say goodbye to smoking and alcohol

While avoiding smoking and alcohol is a good practice in general to maintain your health it’s specifically advisable to give up these two substances during implant treatment. Smoking cigarettes can be detrimental for your implants and drinking alcohol can hamper its quick healing so, both are a big no-no during this time.

Visit your dentist frequently

Make sure to get your teeth and implants checked by your dentist every month or at least twice a year to ascertain that your implants last for a lifetime.

Consult with a skilled dentist of a leading dental clinic to undergo cost-effective dental implant treatment to attain strong and healthy teeth!


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