At least once in a lifetime, everybody has experienced tooth sensitivity. It’s true that the symptoms are almost the same as those of cavities, but it’s a separate condition that has its own causes and treatments. Also known as dentin hypersensitivity, tooth sensitivity can be easily treated with daily visits to a good dental clinic.
A little about tooth sensitivity
Ever thought about tooth sensitivity? Like how does it happen?
Your teeth are protected by multiple layers even if they are tiny. Two of these layers are dentin and enamel. The solid protective layer that is wrapped around your teeth is enamel. More sensitive layers are exposed when it wears off, that includes dentin, and this is exactly how teeth sensitivity takes place. Be it because of poor nutrition or poorer oral hygiene, as soon as the enamel wears off and dentin gets exposed, your days and nights start becoming horrible.
Do you experience slight discomfort or a sharp pain while enjoying an ice cream or having a very hot bowl of soup? If yes, then it’s completely normal. But that’s not exactly tooth sensitivity, since it’s not related to the teeth roots but directly to the enamel.
Why tooth sensitivity takes place
The main cause of tooth sensitivity can be it has either taken place during extreme conditions or has been transferred genetically. Whatever the reason is, if it’s dealt with early then it won’t lead to grave situations later. Several causes of this unpleasant condition are:
- Improper oral hygiene that leaves all bacteria behind
- Daily teeth grinding, even when you are sleeping
- Frequently consuming acidic beverages and food
- Damaged and broken teeth that expose several dentin parts
- Flossing and brushing too hard, leading to a worn-off enamel soon
Signs of tooth sensitivity
If you want to know whether your teeth are becoming extremely sensitive then here are some signs to look out for:
- Sensitivity to acidic and sweet drinks and food
- Pain during flossing or brushing
- Discomfort or pain from cold drinks and food
- Odd reactions to hot drinks and food
- Sensitivity to temperature variations
On the lookout for a cheap yet effective tooth sensitivity treatment? Make haste and book an appointment at a well-known dental clinic today!
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